Home > Information, Israeli Citizen, U.K. Citizen, U.S. Citizen > Israeli citizen? – Let me get you out of harms way!

Israeli citizen? – Let me get you out of harms way!

My name is Ole Wallin. I`m a consultant in available second passport programs and second citizenship programs. All our programs are legal and certified.

We provide the most comprehensive and cost-effective programs at the market today. We assist people of all nationalities in legally obtaining second passport or second citizenship programs.

For people with current nationality which has restricted mobility, due to travel restrictions and visa requirements. We can provide second passport programs and second citizenship programs from some countries. Without being present at the issuing country.
People with nationalities of these countries are recommended in some cases to apply for a intermediary second passport and second citizenship program. Before they apply for the second passport and second citizenship program which require you to be present in the issuing country.

We guarantee that all clients and applicants will receive their second passport or second citizenship program.

Ole Wallin consult provide legal advice and service for people of all nationalities and who needs a second passport or second citizenship for open up travel restrictions for their current nationality. People who need a second passport and citizenship as part of their over all business and tax planing strategy.

People from ethnic minority or have a religious believes which may put them in harms way if their use their current nationality.

People who has an Israeli or US nationality and fear for their securities when traveling or reside in a potential hostile region. We can provide legal second passport and second citizenship programs with possibility for a legal sealed name change. We will advise people with Israeli or US nationality and even British nationality whom have names that directly or indirectly identify their nationality, religious believes, part of an ethnic minority to serious consider such a process. Your safety is our main concern as our client.

Travel with a piece of mind as an European citizen to destinations which was previously unreachable as an U.S, U.K or Israeli citizen.

We are sorry to inform the potential risk U.S. citizen and even Israeli and U.K. citizen may face when travel to some regions of the world.
Some regions, culture and nations govern by religious guidelines, will make it difficult for U.S, U.K and Israeli citizen also to participate in business.

Please note that I`m not stigmatize any country, religion or culture. But the fact is that is difficult for some western citizen to do business in these areas and vise versa.

I will not go into the reason an potential cause to those challenges. I believe in solutions and that it what i offer. An solution to do business in an prefered countries and to eliminate the potensial personal security risk, to remove the skepticism that faces some nationalities, cultures and regions.

If you wish to do business with Muslim countries i will recommend you to obtain an European passport from some of the newest EU member states. Witch has an good blend of western and Muslim culture and religion.

In this way you open up the Muslim market and you capitalize on the EU market as an EU member and EU business entity. Here is the potential for both parties to have an joint venture in the EU market as it is challenging for some Muslim countries to exprt product to the EU market.

See the solution – Not the wall!

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