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Second Passports through Adoption or Marriage

November 4, 2009

Second Passports through Adoption

An unusual route to some first-world passports
One somewhat unorthodox way of getting a second passport is through adoption. Despite what you might think, this is not an option only available to the very young.
adoptionIn some coutries, persons of any age can be legally adopted by a willing (and presumably economically rewarded) family. As there is apparently no age restriction on this procedure, it is possible to be adopted by a parent half your age.
Naturally, the process requires careful professional handling and observance of the law in the two jurisdictions, both the applicant’s and the adoptive parents’. The procedure is carried out with the full knowledge and assistance of the relevant authorities.
Second Passports through Marriage

For the sake of completness

For the sake of completeness, it should be mentioned that there are nations that will give instant citizenship and a passport upon marriage to a local citizen (in contrast to many that will just offer residency, with passport to follow in a few years’ time).
In any case, the author does not wish to advocate the use of marriage as a means of obtaining a second passport. Marriage was invented to serve a different purpose all together.