Home > Europe passport & citizenship program, Information, Israeli Citizen, U.K. Citizen, U.S. Citizen > Top 6 reasons to buy a second passport and nationality

Top 6 reasons to buy a second passport and nationality

Professional service to serious customers, who need it for an overall tax and business plan.

Security reasons when traveling for U.S, Israeli and U.K. citizen.

Traveling with a European passport may get you out of harms way or may significally reduce stigmatization due to nationality, religious belief or culture background.

Study and move freely within the Europe without the need for visa, resident permit. Eu constitution enable citizen of EU to take any job or study within EU member states. Work in EU without the need for work permit (great for “fallen CEO” to use their expertise in a region where they are more appreciated. Basically can you re-locate you`re whole family.

Anonymity as an individual or as a family. Stigmatization due to ethnic origin, religion, cultural background, may be an blockage for you in business or if you do business in some regions. The program comes with a possible sealed name as an addition. Here you my anonymize you`re ethnic origin, religion, origin nationality and cultural background. Are you a celeberty? Be an “average Joe” when you do business, travel or want to stay private, away from preying eyes.

Fresh start in life. People make mistakes and choices that reduce their quality of life. Sometimes it can actually destroy you`re life. You have only one life and you should be able to correct the mistakes of the past. Please note, this is not a free haven. Some mistakes may not be eligabel under this program. But will be eligabel under some other European program. Please enquirer, we can help most clients.

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